About Siri Bahadur Khalsa

“I have been engaged throughout my life in the pursuit of Truth and what the essence of my Being is, from the roots of Catholicism through forays into Buddhism, New Age theisms, philosophy, and Kundalini...


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Learn MoreLearn MoreLearn MoreScheduleEmail for AccessGet Sound Healingmailto:siribahadurji@gmail.com Sundays at 9:30am CST at Main Street Yoga, Bastrop Register Mondays at 10-11:15am CST at Shuniya Yoga Collective Wednesdays at 7pm CST at Shuniya Yoga Collective Register...


Sundays at 9:30am CST at Main Street Yoga, Bastrop

Mondays at 10-11:15am CST at Shuniya Yoga Collective

Wednesdays at 7pm CST at Shuniya Yoga Collective

Mondays at Noon at Flow Yoga, Westgate

Tuesdays at 7pm CST on Zoom (90 minutes)

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation – All levels

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$5-$15 sliding scale via Venmo, Paypal

Private Sessions Are Available:

  • Yogic Numerology Sessions – Yogic Counseling
  • Yoga Sets and Meditation Instruction
  • Gong Bath Sessions
  • Learn to Play the Gong
  • Investigating Sound and Mantra Sessions
  • Deep Relaxation and Meditation Alignment

For appointments: Email Me to set up sessions.
or call: 512-496-1966.

Coming Soon: Member Content
Happy to announce that with the new website I am bringing more content to a digital platform. Please stay tuned for the launch of digital...
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Click Here to Join the Group This group is dedicated to sharing the teaching and technologies of Masters from all paths which are dedicated to...
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Online Class Offerings Through Shelter-In-Place
Seek shelter in Shuniya Online Classes are offered via Zoom, please see the class schedule tab for more information! View Class Schedule
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Kundalini Yoga

The experience of the Possible Human

We have all heard the comment of “He’s only human.” as a rationale for falling short of delivering whatever is needed in the moment. It is as if it is the birthright of the human being to fail or be less than adequate.

The Possible Human exemplifies the unlimited potential of the Divine moving through the Life. Your comment to that statement may be, “All well and good, and good luck with that, but how can I possibly bring more to my life than I can currently express? What is possible for this Possible Human of which you speak?”

To the Life stream operating with all systems on Go anything is possible. Delivering grace in the face of adversity or any ungraceful situation is possible. Shining Light in the darkness, elevating the moment with a smile or a blessing is possible. Being a friend for no expectation of a return favor is possible. All one needs to accomplish those things at any given moment in any situation is a deep knowledge of the Unknown of One’s Self. One way to clear the path to accomplish the task of living as a Possible Human is to practice Kundalini Yoga.

Kundalini Yoga is a Science born of constant investigation across Time and Space by Yoginis, Yogis, and Masters who were drawn to and down the path of the right use of their energy. It is a system of yoga which uses exercises, kriyas, and meditation to elevate awareness, build health and vitality, and deliver the highest caliber of human spirit into any moment. It is a path that will allow the practitioner to find that constant anchor of Identity often called Satori, Samadhi, Christ Consciousness, or Enlightenment.

By the application of asana, breath, mudra, the physical and etheric structure of the body in coordination with intention and awareness, this science of Kundalini Yoga can create an experience which will shine through impossibility and bring all things and realms into the possible now.

This style of yoga relies on an alignment with and a deep relationship to both the Flow of Life and the Expansive Wisdom of the Transparent Teacher. By dissolving resistance to the flow of Life and Wisdom the yogi and yogini can transform unhelpful patterns and limitations into an ease of flexibility within, and an appreciation of, Life as it manifests every moment.

Within each person is a longing and we interpret our own longing and what will fulfill that longing according to the whims of our mind, desires, and past experience. The process of seeing the reality of what we think, say, and do in each moment leads us along the path of refinement of our mental, physical, and emotional creativity to a right use of our energy. Our everyday life is like the experience of investigating a forest tree by tree, bush by bush and one blade of grass after another in the hope that we will understand what the forest is, how big it is and why it came to be what and where it is. Kundalini Yoga gives us the ability to elevate above the forest and see its beauty and expansiveness while still being able to appreciate each of the individual elements which make up that forest.

Kundalini Yoga is built upon the practice of Kriyas, or recipes of asanas, breath, sound, focus and manipulation of the body structure to create a specific outcome in terms of results. These kriyas may be a single posture or meditation, or they may have many parts that include any of the factors mentioned above. But what they all hold in common is that they will produce a specific effect and that effect can be experienced to deeper and more profound levels with continued practice. In fact, using just one kriya hundreds of times can deliver the yogi to the One as surely as hundreds of kriyas can do the same thing. Needed in either case is practice, devotion, consistency, and honest investigation.

Asana, or posture brings the various aspects of body structure up for investigation and adjustment. By moving through postures you can lengthen muscles, increase the flow of energy (prana), stimulate and balance organ systems and optimize the body’s ability to achieve a state of health.

Pranayam or breathing makes energy available to the various energy systems of your bodies. It allows you to achieve a meditative state and effect cleansing of the body, mind, and spirit. Without the breath and the prana that rides upon it we would have no life at all.

Breath also allows sound to be created. Sound and in particular mantra brings alignment to the body, mind, and spirit.

Intention can enhance the movement of energy and the application of sound to maximize the practice of yoga. As the yogi moves through the practice of Kundalini yoga he gains the ability to bring balance to the all of the facets of his being both with respect to the physical arena as well as the etheric structures which direct the physical manifestation in the Life.

Meditation cleans the mind, allow the yogini to release thoughts, memories, and patterns of behavior that are no longer useful. Applying meditation to your practice is like taking a shower. It is a process of release and balance that creates room to be creative and responsive to the flow of life experiences.

The Impossible Human can find the way out of fear, anger, insecurity, depression and the sense of isolation and come into the human birthright of vitality, grace, and freedom from limitation just by applying a consistent practice and establishing an unshakeable trust in Life and Wisdom. This path has been traveled for thousands of years by countless yoginis and yogis. It takes only asking for the gift of being taught and following the recipe of excellence to begin the journey of joining the society of Possible Humans.
